Human Design + Your Soul Vision
Stop looking outside yourself for guidance.
Leverage Your Human Design.
Is this for you?
If you’re a high-achieving woman who hits your goals but secretly knows something is missing, you can learn to awaken your intuition and live life by design.
In this unique 90-minute intensive, I’ll show you how to activate the dreams your soul is longing for.
You’ll choose images using your inner voice and discover your human design blueprint and activate the life you’re meant to live.
I'M SO READY!Leverage your Human Design
Examine your unique Human Design Blueprint to get unstuck and align with your dream life.
Would you love to create from the quantum field? To dream BIG.
Imagine waking up tomorrow feeling confident you’re living your soul’s vision.
Every day, you feel lit up, energized and satisfied beyond measure.
Trusting yourself and your inner wisdom.
Because you know exactly HOW to get everything you could ever want (and more)!!
The days of wondering what’s missing in your life are gone.
❌ No more secretly worrying that you’re wasting precious time.
❌ You don’t live by default anymore.
❌ No more choosing from your conditioning.
You create from a space of TOTAL alignment... All. The. Time.
And it feels like absolute magic ✨
This is 100% possible for you.
The first step is understanding you get to DESIGN your life.
You get to 10x your income…
To impact thousands of dream clients…
And embody your inner badass, powerful healer, and higher goddess.
You get to have it all. And it ALL gets to be easy!
Your soul already knows the exact steps to get you the dream life you desire and deserve.
I'M SO READY! CLaim my dream life!The process is simple
🌟 You won’t get stuck in overwhelm and guilt for your wants.
🌟 You complete a vision board that’s emotionally charged and actionable.
👀 You get to see your soul level desires - which are different than your conscious mind thinks. Plus, tap into your higher goddess for xxx
The vision board intensive for high-achieving entrepreneurs ready to discover what they truly want so the action steps become clear to make it happen.
Dream Design Board Masterclass
Listen to your inner wisdom to create a visual representation of your truest, deepest desires. Your intuition is screaming to give you the answers you seek!
Intuitive Reading With AmyLee
Intuitive reading of your vision board imagery. Access powerful, potent and insightful breakthroughs about what you want. On top of that, we will determine what you need to DO to manifest your dream life faster.
Actionable Human Design Report
Soak in every moment of your intuitive reading. Then walk away from our session with a recording and comprehensive report of key action items you can take to immediately start aligning with your soul vision right away.
Make friends with your inner guidance.
Bypass the Conscious Mind
Your intuitive guidance is in the driver's seat.
You will have a finished board by the end
Your higher self is guiding you toward fulfillment and true alignment.
Learn how to trust your inner voice
Your intuition is waiting for you to listen to the whisper.
Access to a psychic interpretation
We put all the pieces on the table at once and pinpoint patterns and systems.
Ready to leverage your HUMAN DESIGN?
✨ Dream Design Board Masterclass (Valued at $237)
✨ Intuitive Reading with AmyLee (Valued at $932)
✨ Actionable Human Design Report (Valued at $547)
TOTAL VALUE = $1710+
Today's Price:
ONLY $1111
"AmyLee sees you as you need to be."
I left our session with so much clarity. I embraced fun in my life and business. I started dancing with my arms all the way up.
My husband and I got intentional about planning the rest of our lives together. It's been a beautiful journey.
And my business has never been better.
When I had to create my vision board, guess who I reached out to? Yep, my Dream Design Coach: AmyLee. AmyLee is the most present mentor and she sees you as you NEED to be, then holds space for you as you embody that reality.
Gaby Abrams
"Get the Dream Design Intensive! You won't regret it!"
Are you on the fence about having a Dream Design Intensive? It is so worth it!
This experience will get your mind attracted to unexpected desires.
Plus, in the reading with AmyLee you see why your vision board design relates to where you are being pulled to be… and how to put it into practical action steps. Now my life is a complete 180 degrees different.
And I am exactly aligned with my true passion because of this Dream Design Intensive!
LaFern Pardun
What will I learn from this session?
What makes this different than other vision boards?
When can I expect my deliverables?
Your intuition is screaming to give you the answers you seek!